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Dogan Principals

Mrs. Mae V. Donahue was a strong individual who faced many hardships to secure for her students the type of education that would allow them to enroll in college and become able minded citizens. As she struggled in a two-teacher school with nine grades, she knew that with an education there was hope. Her goal was to make a difference, and make a difference she did. Mrs. Donahue served as principal from 1926 until 1936.


Mr. Randolph Titus was a tradition at Dogan. He served as principal from

1936 - 1968, and brought great prestige to our school. He was a man of many talents and responsibilities, each of which he fulfilled in the most admirable manner. He was a gentleman, a family man, a scholar, and a friend.

As an attestment of our gratitude for his continuing devotion to Dear Old Dogan, for his warm personality, for his great love for each of us, and his sincere interest in our welfare, we, the Dogan Alumni Association, choose never to forget. Likewise, his dear wife, Bernice, who was a tower of strength and encouragement during his administrative tenure, shares our love also and will constantly remain one whom we shall always adore and revere.

The Dogan Alumni Association is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation is deductible to the full extent of law. Check with your tax accountant for guidance.

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